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Dental Implant Surgery (Implantes Dentales): Things You Should Know

Dental Implant Surgery (Implantes Dentales): Things You Should Know

Dental implants are the essential options you can choose to handle a missing tooth, especially if other cosmetic options are not for you.

Of course, you can choose to add crowns or bridgework, but in some cases, a root will decay to a point where the best course of action is to remove it altogether.

Therefore, dental implant surgery can be a long-lasting and effective alternative that will provide you peace of mind. Apart from the idea that it will improve your smile, it can also increase the quality of your life.

By checking here, you will learn more about different implant options you can choose.

You probably know the amount of time you spend chewing and speaking daily. It is way better to find a durable option that will provide you with the same effect as a regular tooth.

It is vital to remember that people are afraid of this surgery because they think it is a painful and complicated operation. However, that is not the case because it is a simple process with numerous benefits.

Generally, having implants is similar to regular teeth, which means that they won’t move around and lead to bone damage the same way as dentures and other dental bridges.

If you wish to undergo implant surgery to replace damaged, decayed, or missing teeth, you should check out our guide to help you understand the overall process with ease.

Remember that procedure can be invasive compared with other options, but you will get the durable chance to stand the test of time.

Before Surgery

You should know that dental implant surgery comes with various steps you should take. The first one includes visiting a dentist to determine whether you are the right candidate for this procedure.

In case you have missing teeth or damaged ones due to periodontal issues or injury, and you have proper oral health, you can choose this option.

Therefore, before you decide to visit a dentist, you will have to undergo an X-ray of your mouth to determine the depth of your bite and the location of missing teeth.

Besides, professionals will check out whether you have underlying conditions that may affect the success of a surgery.

Before you prepare yourself for a surgical procedure, a dentist will provide you model of your teeth and give you a chance to learn everything that will happen during an operation.


Dental surgery is the next step you should take, which most people and potential patients are afraid of due to painful experiences and other problems.

However, you can talk with your dentist to ensure a pain-free and comfortable procedure that will feature either oral sedation or local anesthesia to help you out with the process.

For instance, if you are replacing a damaged tooth, your dentist will have to extract the damaged one, which is an important consideration to remember. The next step is to add a bone graft to ensure that your mouth has enough space for an implant.

Even though this is not a necessity, it is a great way to prevent potential issues from happening.

It sounds scary when you read about it, but you should know that a bone graft is a regular procedure that will add a particular graft material to a place missing tooth’s location.

That way, a surgeon could create an anchor for your implant. In some cases, you can do it during a surgical procedure, while in case your jawbone requires more support, an expert may recommend for your area to heal until you reach the next step.

To add an implant, a certified dentist will have to cut a gum with an idea to expose your bone. Remember that you will be under sedation or anesthesia, which means you won’t feel a thing.

Afterward, your dentist will drill a hole within a bone to ensure placing a metal implant inside. As soon as he/she does it, the next step is to close an incision. It would be best if you thought of a metal implant as a root for your crown or artificial tooth.

When an expert puts it in place, you should wait a few months for the jawbone to fuse with it. This process is known as osseointegration, which means that bone will surround an implant and create a foundation for you to implement a crown or artificial tooth.

In the meantime, you will get a temporary denture that will keep your appearance in check.

After osseointegration, a professional will administer another local anesthesia with the idea to attach an abutment. We are talking about a structure that will connect your implant with the crown.

In some cases, you will have to wait for it to heal after a few weeks, which will promote gum health after placing an abutment.

However, everything depends on your case. Finally, a dentist will place a crown that will remain between four and six weeks until he creates a permanent one using your teeth model.

Post-Surgery Care

After an entire process, you will experience minor bleeding and pain for a short period. Swelling and bruising of gums and face are rare side effects, which means that you can tolerate anything that happens.

The worst part of the recovery is because a suture will tickle their tongue. Of course, you should consume a soft diet for at least two to three weeks while consuming anti-inflammatory meds, pain relievers, and antibiotics to prevent potential problems from happening.

You can care for implants the same way as regular teeth. Therefore, it is vital to brush it daily and floss it as well. We recommend you avoid consuming candy and tobacco.

Certain drinks and foods may stain your crown, but with proper care, they can last for the rest of your life. We recommend you to conduct regular checkups to prevent potential issues and prolong their longevity.

We recommend you to visit this link: to learn more about implants before you undergo a surgical procedure.

If you wish to consider a particular surgery that will replace your missing teeth, it is vital to consult with your dentist, who specialized in this procedure. Therefore, you will have low chances of discomfort and determine the best course of action.

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