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How Safe is it to Make Your Own Mak`eup Products?

When it comes to makeup, there are a lot of options out there. You have a range of product shades, with the choices becoming more and more extensive to cater to a wider market. Gone are the days of having to settle for a foundation that’s too light on your skin. Along with the rise of the beauty industry, however, costs also skyrocketed.

This means if you want to save on makeup, one of the options is to make it on your own. But what does this mean for the safety of the products you use?

No Chemical Preservatives

At first glance, you can consider the absence of preservatives as an upside when it comes to makeup. This means you’re getting only the naturally good stuff from the ingredients you used to make your own makeup. However, this also means the shelf life of your makeup may not necessarily be as long as commercially produced ones. Unlike a face mask online that you can buy, store unopened for months, use once, and discard, toners and moisturizers are created in batches and used every day. This constant opening and reopening of their container will expose them to air and make them go bad–sooner than you’d prefer.

No Ingredients that Control Bacteria Growth

Also related to the lack of chemical preservatives is the possible bacterial and fungal growth. Especially for homemade products that are exposed to applicators that may be vehicles for spores, you can’t be sure that they are safe for application on your skin after exposure. Fungi and bacteria can easily grow anywhere, and with products you are applying on your face, near your mouth, eyes, nose, and ears, one small mistake may lead to a serious problem.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t make your own makeup at home if you really want to save money. There are some brands that allow you to DIY the formulation of your makeup–using a combination of their existing products. This makes it relatively safer, because you will not be making the products from scratch, but you will also get to customize it to your specific needs. For instance, if you want a cushion foundation that fits your shade perfectly, you can simply buy an unbranded cushion container, pour in your foundation, and add a tinted moisturizer until you achieve the shade that works for your skin tone.

The Formula has not been Tried and Tested to be Safe

The skin is sensitive. You may develop skin irritation by using products that are not compatible with your skin. You may also realize too late that you may be allergic to a particular ingredient. Even worse, you may combine ingredients that look good on paper but may do more harm than good for your skin, such as physical and chemical exfoliators in the same product. All of these need to be considered before you make your own makeup. The savings you get from not buying a branded item may not be worth it if you have to visit a dermatologist for skin problems you just can’t figure out.

Whether you want to save money or to go all-natural when it comes to the products you use, it is still important to consider the safety and efficacy of your homemade makeup. At the end of the day, if the product endangers your skin, it’s not worth it.


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