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How to Pass a Urine Drug Test Every Time

Many employees are faced with impending drug tests because it has become a requirement in the world of work. Failing a drug test can be a major disruption in your life and since this is so, drug users are often scared when asked to do one. However, there are ways you can use to better your chances of passing even at short notice.

If you use drugs, here is how clear drug tests can help you learn about the common types of drug tests that are available, how they work so you can pass your test without losing your job.

Common Forms of Drug Tests

The most basic forms of drug tests use blood, saliva, urine, or hair.  Urine drug tests (UDT) is the favorite among employers. These basic tests screen for banned drugs and metabolites in your body. Saliva tests have become popular and when used can detect drugs that have been used since lately.

The most accurate form of tests are hair and blood tests. These are the most accurate and are rarely used for general employment screening since they are considered to be invasive and very expensive.

Drug Testing ABCs

Urine and saliva drug tests are usually used to screen for five of the most popular illicit drugs, which include:

  1. Cocaine, crack
  2. Amphetamines (speed, meth)
  3. THC (marijuana, hash, cannabinoids)
  4. Opioids (codeine, opium, heroin, morphine)
  5. Phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust)

There are some tests that screen for other substances such as alcohol, barbiturates, ecstasy (MDMA) including other drugs.

Failing A Test After Stopping

While drug tests can tell if you used drugs, they cannot tell the last time you used them. What this means then is that you could have stopped using drugs for some time but still fail a drug test.

If you have taken marijuana, it will remain in your system much longer than other drugs. Traces of the drug can be detected in casual users for as much 30 days, while its 60 days for heavy users.

If you are a smoker and you are asked to do a drug test unexpectedly, the ensuing eight tips can help you pass the test. Read more here

Usually, you’ll get a few days’ notice before your scheduled test. Try to get some extra time by extending the test date, if possible. If you are asked to do a drug test, timing is important, so try to get the most out of it.

Cease using all drugs immediately and stay clear of drug use until you are sure you’re 100% in the clear.

Drink lots of water the day before the test. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water on the morning of the test. The water will dilute your urine sample naturally and lesson the possibility of detection. Being a heavy smoker will not probably make much difference but you can still try anyway.

Don’t overdo this though by drinking too much water as this can cause you to develop a serious condition known as water intoxication

Urine gets a lighter color when it is diluted. Samples that are excessively clear are usually rejected. If you take a vitamin B supplement, your urine will be bright yellow in color and thus minimize any suspicion.

You will have a couple of days more to get the drug residue from your system if your sample gets rejected on spot.

Urinating a lot on the day you’re scheduled to submit your sample is recommended. This will allow you to flush out the overnight build-up of the drug metabolites. Diuretic supplements or the natural diuretics such as tea, coffee or cranberry juice can speed up urination and help you urinate often on the morning of your scheduled test.

While peeing to get the sample for the test, try waiting until you are at mid-stream before you fill up the container. It is this part of the urine that drug metabolites concentration is at its lowest.

An at-home drug test kit will come in handy, therefore use it to help relieve any worry. 12 panel drug tests can be purchased easily online. The tests use the same procedures your employer will most likely use, and you can get the results very quickly within a couple minutes. Check this URL:

The results you get will inform you if you will pass the test. If you fail the day prior to your test, then this means that you may require a more aggressive approach.

If it is obvious that passing your drug test is not possible, then you may need another option; clean or artificial urine. Persons have used another individuals’ urine when faced with an immediate drug test. Using the urine of some else is a common practice when a drug test is only 24 hours away.

There’s a difficulty with this option though, and that is sneaking the sample in and maintaining it at body temperature. In addition, your risk of being caught is possible and this can lead to stiff penalties under the law.

It is evident that drug testing technology has progressed, and a lot of the old tricks are ineffective. If you mess around with your urine sample by adding vinegar, salt or bleach, you will get into trouble. Also adding water to dilute your urine sample is a ‘no-no’ that will result in you failing your drug test.

There are lots of over-the-counter products, which are claiming they can help you pass your drug tests, but there’s no truth in these statements. Using these will definitely be a waste of your hard-earned money and worst of all you will end up failing your drug test.

Remember, stay away from unsafe decisions, for example, drinking bleach to help you beat a drug test. It is stupidly dangerous and will damage your inside once it gets into your system.

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