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Judging Your Health Using Saliva

Judging Your Health Using Saliva

Saliva can be good or bad depending on what disposition you have. It can be disgusting, helpful, irritating, or anything else. However, what it definitely be is to be a judge of your health. Many people tend to disregard the power of saliva to change lives and determine problems in the body. In this article, you’ll see how saliva can be an agent of truth in many ways.

It can show whether you have used drugs in the past few days

Many tests like the 10 panel drug test can reveal if you have been using drugs the past few days. It does not matter what kind of drug you used. If you took it, it will definitely turn up in the results. This is a great alternative to urine tests as some urine tests are uniquely flawed. Saliva is 99% water and contains almost all the information about what you have ingested. Toothpaste, the pizza from lunch, the mouthwash you used, the steroids you have taken, and others can easily be revealed with the use of saliva tests. This can aid the police in a very big way and may even sway judges in court by being presented as evidence.Salive has been key to different tide-turning cases.

It can tell whether you’re sick or not

Having a dry mouth can be an indication of stress, nervousness, or any other emotional-psychological problem. Cortisol levels can also be determined with saliva tests. If you take too few glasses of water in a day, your saliva may become too thick to be produced evenly and may show signs of dehydration. Having a hard time swallowing may be sign of a stone in the salivary gland. Essentially, when you a have dry mouth you are more prone to the different kinds of gum and teeth problems. You can counter this by drinking a lot of water during seasons of hot weather. In addition, saliva protects your mouth so keep hydrated to keep producing the best kind of saliva.

Despite all these facts, saliva testing is still at the baby stage. It can still be improved with the progress science can make. However, it should be noted that a person should take care of his or herself correctly to maintain the good benefits you can have with saliva. It can be a judge of your health and can help you out big time when in a bind.

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