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Tips To Find A Good Plumber!

Finding a good plumber can be a pretty tough task. That’s made even harder if you don’t know much about plumbing. Pierce County plumbers generally tend to be reliable but it is still risky to bring just anyone in because you can never be 100% sure. These tips can help you find some decent plumbers that you can rely on for your work if you’re willing to put in the time, and you might even save some money.

Make sure plumbers have a plumbing license!

Port Orchard plumbing are required by law to have a valid license. Make sure you ask them to show you their license and insurance papers, and if possible, ask for copies so that you can get them verified. Good plumbers carry full coverage insurance that even covers your neighbor’s house in case something really goes wrong.

Get at least two references and read online reviews!

Get as many references as you can. The more the better, and see if you can find some reviews about them online. Also ask if they have a social media presence and see how they handle their customers there.

Ask how long have they been in the plumbing business!

The longer they’ve been in business, the better their work will be. Good companies last a long time, while others just disappear after a few years. Pierce County plumbers that have been in business for several years should be fairly reliable!

Get quotes from multiple plumbers!

Get in touch with the top three or four plumbers you single out and ask them for a quote for the job. Make sure they all give you the quotes for the same services though, and don’t give you a quotation for just the basics. Ideally, tell them what you need done, and how, and make sure you tell them all the same thing. If someone’s price is higher, ask them why, and vice versa. That’s usually a good way to differentiate the wheat from the chaff, and you might even get a discount!

Ask what guarantee they offer!

Ask about their guarantee. Is it money back? Is it limited in any way? Is it written on your bid/quote? Plumbers with great belief in their performance standards put their money where their mouth is.

Good plumbers prefer seeing the job before they give a quote!

One sign of a good and experienced plumber is that they won’t give you a quote without first coming over to your place and going over the job once. If they give you a quote over the phone or in an email, they might not be that reliable.

Feel free to follow the link and check out one of the more experienced and reliable Pierce County plumbers available for a quote, or if you’d just like more information about what services to look for in good plumbers.

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