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Top 6 Foods That Promote The Pandemic Of Obesity

Top 6 Foods That Promote The Pandemic Of Obesity

The habitual diet of the majority of people is far from a healthy one. Many eat without a regimen, barely having time to have breakfast in the morning. And in the evening, they eat up tightly after prolonged fasting. If we add to this the fact that in such a diet, there are often harmful dishes replete with animal fats and light carbohydrates, it becomes clear why there is such a massive spread of obesity in our country.

Often, long-term practice of such nutrition provokes serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and excretory organs. So which products should you exclude from your diet to lose weight and improve health? Let’s find out.

What’s Wrong In Habitual Eating?

According to statistical studies, people mostly prefer fast meals and snacks on the run due to their busy schedules and fatigue at work. This includes fast food (hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizza), a variety of semi-finished products, sausages, and high-calorie sauces with spices.

In addition, it is worth adding here the food consumed during gatherings with friends and feasts – salted fish, nuts, chips, cakes, salads with mayonnaise, sweet soda. Snacks with teas, chocolates, bars, and sweets add calories to the usual diet and provoke metabolic disorders, which ultimately form obesity.

The mistake of many people is that they believe that proper nutrition, of course, will be good for the figure, but it is tasteless, monotonous, and bland. This is not true, there are many very tasty, at the same time very useful options for dishes. It is important to exclude from the diet those components that provoke diseases and excess weight.

1. Regular Sugar

Many have heard that sugar is called the “white poison,” and there is some truth in this. This product significantly interferes with weight loss, leads to dramatic shifts in metabolism, thereby provoking obesity and illness. The thing is that it perfectly relieves stress, improves mood, and feeds the brain with glucose.

But at the same time, it supplies an excess of calories, leading to the deposition of fat in the body. Many people console themselves with myths about the lesser dangers of brown sugar, so switch to it from regular sugar. But this is nothing more than self-deception, there are even more calories in brown sugar, and it will not help in losing weight.

Brown sugar is believed to be rich in vitamins, but adding it to hot meals or drinks destroys them, and all possible benefits disappear. Avoiding sugar is the first step to start losing weight; it will help you lose a few pounds around your waist and keeps you healthy.

2. Alcohol

Weight gain is most in heavy drinkers as alcohol increases the risk of several health problems, including obesity. Those who dream of having an ideal figure must quit alcohol consumption for a better and healthier life. Do not take this problem lightly, as it can severely damage your life and can even be fatal. Many people have a misconception that red wine won’t cause any harm to health.

However, no matter what the drink is, excessive consumption can lead to weight gain. You should really take some actions to cure yourself. The first step is to call alcohol and drug addiction hotlines to gather information regarding the treatments. Once you know which option is best for you, it will really help you make the right decision.

3. Salt 

Common salt causes significant harm to health when consumed in excess of the physiological norm, which is only 3-5 g per day. Moreover, it is important to remember the salt content in foods when treating diseases and leaving a healthy diet. Usually, people consume 4-5 times more salt than they need.

This provokes fluid retention, kidney and vascular disease, hypertension. An excess of sodium ions disrupts water-salt metabolism, provokes edema and an increase in body weight. Salt is especially dangerous for those people who have heart disease and circulatory disorders of the brain.

4. Sweet Soda

Today, various sugary carbonated drinks are actively advertised in the media and on TV, but nowhere is their health hazard mentioned. Manufacturers sponsor sports events, children’s parties and harm the health of the younger generation by stimulating the development of obesity.

The fact is that they contain a huge amount of sugar and calories, which are not consumed by the body and are converted into fats. On average, 100 ml of such a product contains up to 5-10 tablespoons of sugar, and these drinks are drunk in liters. This often triggers adolescent obesity, especially when combined with fast food.

There are, of course, sodas with sugar substitutes in the “0 calories” category. But they negatively affect metabolism, also provoking obesity due to impaired fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

5. Sausages

Homemade sausage, which we make from the purest meat, will not harm the body. But if it is boiled or smoked sausage from the store, this is a completely different matter. There is hardly meat in them, about 10-15%; the rest is cheap fats, various vegetable fillers, and food chemicals.

In addition to animal fats, which can hardly be useful in such a volume, they contain a lot of starch, soy fillers, and plant components that add calories. These products, if consumed often and a lot, provoke excess weight gain, affect metabolism and provoke metabolic diseases.

6. Fast Foods

No less popular today are the quick meals in the form of instant noodles, which we prepare by adding boiling water. Also, other foods such as cutlets and sausages, which require boiling water or heating in the microwave, are harmful.

They are inexpensive, and their composition is simply killer. These have cheap fats, light carbohydrates, and an excessive amount of salt. Losing weight on such products is simply unrealistic as they are high-calorie in themselves.

Bottom Line

To maintain healthy digestion and a relatively stable weight, you should avoid the list of foods mentioned above. Remember not to consume them occasionally as they are going to damage your health and also cause obesity.

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