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Trademarks And Everything To Know About Intellectual Property Law

There are different specifications in the legal field. A lawyer’s profession is not just limited in the four corners of the court room. But all the while, all of them are there to make people feel the legal safety and security they need. Among of this field of specification is the Intellectual Property Law.

What is the Intellectual Property Law?

The intellectual property law is related to securing the safety of designs, inventions, artistic and literary works. This field reinforces the three most common legal jargons you most often hear. Patents, copyrights and trademarks. Before anything else, you ought to know the difference between these three and why they fall under the intellectual property law. When you say patent, it is the protection given to particular technological inventions and their inventors so as to refrain other people from copying and claiming it. The second is copyright, this is usually seen on the first pages of books. Copyright is a form of intellectual property that gives the author of a particular book or literary work to have full claim of what he or she has written. Copyright is the reason why copying or plagiarizing a book’s content is considered a legal offense. This IP refrains anyone from claiming any content written in the book or else they will have to suffer certain consequences. Lastly, is the trademark. Trademark is a form of intellectual property that is responsible for the protection of a brand, logo and design. For example, a shoe company’s design, brand and logo is protected by this trademark. Meaning anyone who tries to copy its design, logo or brand will be subjected to a legal offense. You can see intellectual property lawyers Melbourne to broaden up your idea about this field of law.

Importance of Trademark

What exactly is the importance of trademark in the world of business? Trademarks are business companies’ protection against the imitation of their product designs and logo. Basically, it serves as the protection of their brand itself. To put simply, it is the identification of the source of a particular product. In the business world, trademark separates two similar products from one another. A trademark attorney is the one responsible to act out the legal steps involving the practice or application of trademark law. You can cite trademark attorney Melbourne to know more about how the trademark law works.

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